Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Weaponising Friendliness
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Anglichanin (англичанин)
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Central Heating
Friday, July 8, 2022
Uzhas (ужас)
Dobre (добре)
Broadly: ‘good’. It’s the root of dober den (adjusted for gender, obviously) and you can say mnogo dobre if you want to be a bit more emphatic. Depending on intonation, it also covers a multitude of other applications, including ‘alright’, ‘I get it’, and many different forms of ‘OK’. It’s the word that stands out to you most when you first arrive, mainly because it’s used so much and often in isolation which makes it easy to pick out of general conversation. Much like k’vo?, dobre is handy to have in your vocabulary to show that you’re making an effort.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Shlokavitsa (шльокавица)
The spelling of Bulgarian words using the Latin alphabet – the headers of these posts are shlokavitsa. It’s necessary because the internet, most software systems and some keyboards, don’t have Cyrillic letters. There’s no universal spelling in shlokavitsa, words are written phonetically so there are some inconsistencies in sounds that don’t have direct equivalents. Ж, for example, is like the French j so sometimes it'll be written as j and sometimes as zh. When you enter the village Живково, the sign says Jivkovo, but the sign as you leave - which is on the opposite side of the road – says Zhivkovo.